Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda

Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda -Yamaha made an aggressive attitude at the beginning of this year, did not make Honda its main competitors remain silent. In fact, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) did a refresher on adalannya scooter, Honda Beat.

AHM intentionally change color stripe and released two new Honda Beat to provide a variety of choices for consumers. They hope this refresher will further strengthen the position of Honda in scooter segment low price.

"We hope the addition of new colors and new stripe can meet the desires of teenagers and also adults who are young at heart" says Marketing Director AHM, Auddie Alexander Wiranata as reported on the official website of AHM, Monday, January 30, 2012.

Honda Beat with new colors and new striping that is expressive, on sale in late January 2012. There are five bright color options, the Hard Rock Black, Red Electro, Techno White, Groovy Blue, Disco Green.

Marketed at a price equal to the previous Rp11, 750 million for the type of spokes / Spoke Wheel (on the road in Jakarta) and Rp12, 550 million for the type of racing / Cast Wheel (on the road in Jakarta).

AHM Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda Beat is targeting sales in 2012 could reach about 1.35 million units, an increase of 28% compared with sales achievement in 2011.

In the past year, the biggest contributor to sales BEAT Honda scooter in the national market, with sales of 1,033,928 units, or contribute as much as 43.4 percent.

Despite the lack of adequate capacity, sales of Honda BEAT continues to increase each year from 208 490 units in 2008, 426 935 units in 2009, 712 007 units in 2010, and 1,033,928 units in 2011. In the year 2012, the Honda Beat is expected to reach peak sales.

Scooter motorcycle market continues to grow. In the past year, sales of motorcycles scooter in the domestic market recorded 4,150,614 units, up 22.9 percent compared with the previous year only 3,376,541 units.

AHM record sales growth greater that is equal to 53.5 percent from 1,551,386 units in 2010 to 2,381,926 units last year. This reinforces the results of the sale of Honda's position as the King Motor scooter with a market share of 57.4 percent, up significantly compared to the year 2010 with only 45.9 percent market share.

Remarkable achievement was donated by Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda Beat with sales of 1,033,928 units, or contribute as much as 43.4% of total sales in 2011 Honda scooter

Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda